API Documentation

Model creation

Model.__init__(path, mode[, name])

Initializes a Hypatia model by passing the optimization mode and the path of the structural input files

Model.create_data_excels(path[, force_rewrite])

Writes the parameter excel files with the default values and required indexing by passing an arbitary path


Reades the filled input data excel files by passing the path where they are located

Model.run(solver[, verbosity, force_rewrite])

Run the model by passing the solver, verbosity and force_rewrite.

Model.to_csv(path[, force_rewrite])

Exports the results of the model to csv files with nested folders


Creates a config excel file for plots


Plotter.__init__(results, config, ...)

param results

Initializing the plotter object by csv files or directly from

Plotter.plot_use_by_technology(fuel_group, path)

Plots the use of fuels by technologies

Plotter.plot_new_capacity(path, tech_group)

Plotes new capacity of a group of technologies

Plotter.plot_total_capacity(path, tech_group)

Plots operative total capacity and total decomissioned capacity

Plotter.plot_prod_by_tech(tech_group, path)

Plots the total yearly production of techs

Plotter.plot_fuel_prod_cons(path, years, ...)

Plots the share of a fuel group production and consumption

Plotter.plot_emissions(path, tech_group[, ...])

Plots the emissions for a tech_group

Plotter.plot_hourly_prod_by_tech(path, ...)

Plots hourly tech production